Al fin pude volar y caer lentamente
como una hoja de papel.
No paso mi vida en un instante frente a mi,
como suele decirse;
solo un momento de ella,
ese momento!.
Sentí el aire detrás de mi,
cientos de voces y risas alrededor,
ruido de una tarde de recreo en el colegio,
poco antes un fuerte empujón sobre mi pecho
y una leve risa de mi amigo aventandome al vacío.
....y caí lentamente,
vi las nubes y un cielo muy soleado que se alejaban de mi poco a poco,
escuche un golpe sobre mi espalda,
mi cabeza choco sobre el pavimento
y una fuerte sensación de que brotaba sangre
por mi boca y nariz llego a mi,
quizá mi cabeza se había roto
y creí desvanecerme, lo sentí;
mas no sucedió,
rápidamente volví en mi, con un mareo fenomenal.
El rostro de mi amigo se hallaba desencajado,
el color de su piel había desaparecido,
era un fantasma pensando que yo era un muerto.
No hay tal muerto,
mucho tiempo pensé que ese golpe me volvería loco,
tampoco hay tal loco
solo hay un hombre escribiendo al sonido, al ruido;
que sin tal, supongo que me volvería loco.
At last I could fly and fall slowly
like a sheet of paper.
I do not spend my life in an instant in front of me,
as they say;
just a moment of it,
that moment!.
I felt the air behind me,
hundreds of voices and laughter around,
noise of an afternoon of recess in school,
shortly before a strong push on my chest
and a slight laugh of my friend venturing into the void.
.... and fell slowly,
I saw the clouds and a very sunny sky that moved away from me little by little,
I heard a blow on my back,
my head collapsed on the pavement
and a strong sense of blood spurt
by my mouth and nose I come to me,
maybe my head was broken
and I thought I was fading, I felt it;
but it did not happen,
I quickly came back on it, with a phenomenal dizziness.
the face of my friend was disengaged,
the color of his skin had disappeared,
I was a ghost thinking I was a dead man.
There is no such dead,
long time I thought that blow would drive me crazy.
There is not such crazy.
There is only one man writing to sound, to noise;
That without such, I suppose I would go mad.