Y poco a poco llegaron personas que le dieron su valor al rock mexicano, como Fernanda Tapia y Jordi Soler, locutores de las estación de radio Espacio 59 y comenzaron a buscar a bandas con propuestas frescas, y a darles espacio en la radio, bandas que siempre habían estado ahí, solo que ahora, comenzaban a salir a la superficie y a demostrar a propios y extraños que el rock, sin importar el genero, estaba listo para cualquier escenario y para alternar a lado de cualquier banda extranjera; muestra de ello son Iconoclasta, Chac Mool, Ritmo Peligroso, Mama Z, Rodrigo González, Caifanes, La Maldita Vecindad, El Personal, Jaime López, Cecilia Toussaint, Tex Tex, La Botellita de Jerez, Sangre Asteka entre tantos otros.
El tiempo ha cambiado, ya no se necesita tanto de la radio, como en ese momento; ahora basta tener un teléfono inteligente, o una computadora e internet, para poder escuchar en el mismo instante en que se desarrolla un concierto en cualquier parte de el mundo. Ahora es común asistir a un concierto en México, antes era impensable que algún artista visitara nuestro país. Para el músico mexicano es complicada la situación hasta hoy, aun así, hay muy buenas bandas dentro de la escena actual, como Runax, Los Maycols, Las Comadrejas. Y también hay mucha gente que sigue creyendo en el Rock Nacional y brindan su tiempo y su dinero en conseguir espacios para que las bandas nuevas tengan, y puedan expresar mediante la musica, el acontecer de nuestro país. prueba de ello es el Colectivo Audiorama, en la Ciudad de México, proyecto que ha dado frutos desde hace ya casi tres años y que ha sido un gran foro para bandas nuevas. Los músicos dejan el alma y su vida en el escenario.
Una felicitación a todos ellos sin importar el género que toquen, se merecen todo nuestro respeto.
Y que viva la musica viva!!!!
How can we forget those nights when I unveiled to hear some rock. Let everyone in my house to sleep to take my recorder radio and get out into the courtyard; tuned radio station FM Globo, not remember exactly the year, but was perhaps 1988-89. as I said, the program began after 12 pm and then started listening to rock bands in Spanish, Soda Stereo, Los Encargados, Virus, Charly Garcia, Los Enanitos Verdes; all from Argentina and Spain as bands Nacha Pop, Miguel Rios, El Ultimo de la Fila, Danza Invisible, La Union and other bands that were like cartoon as Los Toreros Muertos and La Trinca. Within that same segment of rock, the station "included Mexican rock bands", which of course were not so, but they were pop groups who wanted (or rather, the industry did) engage within that Boom rock in Spanish. Real Mexican rock was forgotten, he remained in very small spaces in the city of Mexico, on the shores of this, as everyone now knows as "Hoyos Funky"; that more than holes were sewers, neighborhoods, pulquerias That was where the real rock, honest, purposeful, worried about making a change in the thinking of the working class, people with no future, no money, no culture was generated. And little by little came people who gave their value to the Mexican rock, as Fernanda Tapia and Jordi Soler, broadcasters of radio station Espacio 59 and started looking for bands with fresh proposals, and give them space on the radio bands that always they had been there, only now beginning to come to the surface and to show all and sundry that the rock, regardless of gender, was ready for any scenario and to switch next to any foreign band; Proof of this are Iconoclasta, Chac Mool, Ritmo Peligroso, Mama Z, Rodrigo González, Caifanes, La Maldita Vecindad, El Personal, Jaime Lopez, Cecilia Toussaint, Tex Tex, La botellita de Jerez, Sangre Asteka among many others. Time has changed, no longer needed from both the radio, and in that time; far enough to have a smart phone or a computer and the Internet, to hear the instant when a concert takes place anywhere in the world. It is now common to attend a concert in Mexico, before it was unthinkable that an artist will visit our country. For the Mexican musician is complicated the situation until today, still there are very good bands within the current scene as Runax, Los Maycols, Las Comadrejas. And there are many people who still believe in the National Rock and give their time and money to get space for new bands have, and can express through music, the events of our country. Proof of this is the Colectivo Audiorama in Mexico City, a project that has paid off for almost three years now and has been a great forum for new bands. The musicians leave the soul and life on stage. Congratulations to all regardless of gender they touch, they deserve our respect.
And long live the live music !!!!
Runax |
Los Maycols |
Iconoclasta |